Expressing 0.2 as a Fraction: Simplifying the Decimal Representation

When it comes to converting a decimal number like 0.2 into a fraction, it’s important to understand the process of simplifying the decimal representation into a more concise and understandable form. In the case of 0.2, the decimal point separates the whole number (2) from its fractional component (2/10). To express 0.2 as a fraction, we need to simplify this representation further. To simplify 0.2 as a fraction, we first need to determine the place value of the decimal digit. In this case, the digit 2 is in the tenths…

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Exploring the Fractional Equivalent of 0.2: An In-depth Analysis

Understanding the fractional equivalent of a decimal number involves converting it into a rational number in the form of a fraction. In this section, we will explore the fractional equivalent of 0.2 and provide an in-depth analysis of the conversion process. To begin, let us consider the decimal number 0.2. This decimal can be written as 2/10, wherein the numerator is 2 and the denominator is 10. The fraction 2/10 can be simplified further by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which in this…

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